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Can You See His Fingerprints In The Plan?

Updated: Jan 19, 2023

Romans 12:1-2 (NIV)

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”


Healing comes through obedience – whether or not our souls are comfortable with God’s plan must not be our focus. Our spirits must learn that truth is BIGGER than facts. As we embrace and walk out the small and large things in life, there will be times when God asks us to override the soul’s discomfort and to take on the discipline set before us. The result is the sparkle of His glory seen through us, His children.

Here's an example from my story this week. I was asked to give a lesson on emotional engagement to a group of teachers who work with refugees who are children from another country, and not necessarily of Christian belief. So, how can God break through those 3 rather large barriers? Easy…I looked for His sparkle.

“Let’s get creative!” I thought. So, with gusto, I dove in to develop a presentation of “Play With Purpose.” This event brought me such joy as I shared from my heart in a wild, silly and childlike manner.

Because the culture we live in will not support the message of God’s plan, we have to build discipline into our lives to protect and nurture the working of His plan every day. One way we can do this is to develop our own glory stories. As we go about our daily business, we must be mindful of where God showed up and “sparkled” as we just lived life. Finding those fingerprints of God is one of the greatest protections against brain rot.

We have to take strong defensive measures with a sense of urgency to invest in and own the places where we can catch a glimpse of God’s fingerprints in the sparkles of EVERYDAY living.

Actions taken by us are an entry point to a true realm of worship, renewal of the mind, and an ability to see, test, and approve of the ways of God. His will is both a place of defense and an offensive weapon we can wield with fierce intentionality.

It’s time for the Sons of God to arise and take a stand against the constant depravity which surrounds us. The world is awaiting the testimony of our story!


Be Intentional. Worship.

This event brought me such joy as I shared from my heart in a wild, silly and childlike manner. Recognizing God’s design in me has given me something to to savor and worship God over. What are His fingerprints in your life?

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