Randi is an entrepreneur. A 30 year old woman who expects to take her personal experience with God to the next level with those around her.
By day, as a laborer to pay the bills in the world of road construction, she is pretty top-notch at seeing what needs to be done and keeping the project moving forward. The guys even get a wee bit envious, as she whistles as she works. At night, Randi refreshes herself with the beauty of music that flows through her head as she puts into words the vision that brings her sparkle along the journey. She sings, plays all sorts of instruments, and writes lyrics with an inspiration to share her music with others who like herself, are longing for something more from life. Randi knows life on the street and the devastation and hopelessness that comes with it. She puts action to her dreams to bring life-giving solutions among those who feel left behind, trying to get by.
So, what drives Randi to embrace such big dreams?
A big God who isn't threatened or turned off by how we come to Him. She has tasted of the joy that comes when someone dares to dream big and live out the abundance that surrounds them right where they are, rather than the slack or lack that echos all around.
Some call her weird, but she is learning from the bible that God loves to partner alongside those who have felt marginalized. He celebrates unique and different flavors of grace.
Randi is one of my heroes.